Clearing Negative Energy from People, Buildings; Land and Objects

  • Clearing Negative Energy

    From People, Buildings; Land and Objects

Clearing negative energy from people, buildings, land and objects

What is Negative Energy

Negative energy is something that has an undesirable/damaging effect on us, in our homes or on our land.

For people, the symptoms range from anxiety, a bad run of luck or just knowing something is generally wrong (a dodgy feeling).

In homes or buildings, this could range from anything like a general feeling of discomfort to complete dread of going home. As it goes up the scale it can cause arguments or inexplicable events or situations arising.

On land, issues like plants not growing or not flourishing as they should, or an eerie feeling as you spend time in that space.

Depending on the object, various things could happen from it keep continually dropping, it harming you or you just don’t like its energy.

Often, these events are caused by either our own negative thoughts, or someone mentally/physically attacking us.

However, in all cases, it could also be caused by an unwanted spirit – this is also something that Maxine has experience in and can help you with.

If you are experiencing any of these issues and need assistance, please do give Maxine a call on.


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